A gallery exhibition “Painters of Montmartre” from Kobe Kitano Museum 2021.6.29 ~ 7.4


A gallery exhibition “Painters of Montmartre” from Kobe Kitano Museum
2021.6.29.tue ~ 7.4.sun


Works by painters who admired Montmartre, Paris were exhibited at Kobe Kitano Museum
It is temporally closed, hence, instead those beautiful works will be displayed at Bricolage.

Montmartre, where many internationally well-known artists lived, are visited by many painters even today.
Please enjoy their fantastic arts as much as you would like.

Curator / Yoshiko Takenaka

Representative at “Love Art Beauty”
Chairman at Quatre Reve, a branch of Minako Imada Confectionery Class
Curator at Kobe Kitano Museum
Director at Authentic Japanese Art Production & Promotion Association(AJaPPa)
Director/director-general at International Olive Academy

Kobe Kitano Museum

インターネットのアイコン http://www.kitano-museum.com/
icon_017871_128 kitanomuseum

Love Art Beauty

インターネットのアイコン https://love-art-beauty.com
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Yoshiko Takenaka was born in Kobe in 1961 and raised by “Kobe modern” grandparents in a Western-style family environment.
She belonged to a figure skating club in elementary school and was a captain of photography club in middle and high school.
At a junior college, she majored in nutrition.
After college, she worked as a dietitian at a hospital, was in charge of purchasing for duty-free shops at Osaka Airport, and helped restaurants’ management.
In 2011, she was invited to planning and management of Kobe Kitano Museum and today works as the curator.


Exhibition view


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