Nana Kashima Tanka Exhibition “Incomplete. I guess it’s not me who fills in the missing pieces, but you.”

Nana Kashima Tanka Exhibition
I guess it’s not me who fills in the missing pieces, but you.” 11:00~19:00


Emotions weave the tale.
This is the reality that you and I create.

Nana Kashima

Exhibition overview

31, Days, 57577.
There are as many lives as there are stars, and as many stars gather as there are lives.

Emotions, the art of giving birth, turned into language.
Interpretation, how do you see today?

The mind that takes shape with color is me and you, not me and not you.
As soon as it floats in the air, it belongs to no one.
But it becomes the form that makes someone someone.

One belly, you are the bullet.
You become a ball, and you hatch into a soul.

You are conceived at the point where you see it.
The only thing that flows through you is the emotion that goes around.

I won’t say, “Let’s have a heart-to-heart talk.



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