Harashiba. exhibition “May you not meet someone better tomorrow.” 2022.12.20.tue~12.26.mon

Harashiba. exhibition
“May you not meet someone better tomorrow.”
2022.12.20.tue~12.26.mon 11:00~19:00


That time, that moment.
We were certainly special.

A boy and a girl and sometimes a bear.


Born on July 13, 1998
Draws illustrations to accompany words on sleepless nights.
Currently working as a freelance illustrator, focusing on artwork through “music”, which is his support, such as logos, goods design, music video animation, etc.
Designs that do not erase the ample margins and what they want to convey.


Exhibition view

Exhibition overview

I can’t say the truth, but I can’t put a lid on my actual feelings.

Simple monochrome illustrations spun by a delicate handwriting, and handwritten captions that leak out from my heart.
What lies between them?
The blank spaces tell us about the gaps in our hearts, which should be there for everyone.
What color are they really?

Whose story is it? Who are you?
Possibly, it might be you.
It is an event so close to you that you may be under the illusion.


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